Category Archives: Tai Chi

Approach your Day with Energy Building Activity

Many of us have very sedentary lives with the use of computers daily, watching television, holding on to our phones and scrolling through posts, driving, reading, and sitting at the table. Our brains and our bodies are very powerful as a team, and they require the activity of our body

Top 8 Stress Releasers – get your handout!

Handout I am delighted to be sharing with you Dance Debut’s latest programming to assist people restricted in movement during the day for their job, driving, or physical restrictions. In the coming weeks, you will see posts related to Balancing Business and Desk-Bound Solutions. This is all leading up to

Release the Stress and Improve your Life…

Sending a shout-out to Dr. Margaret Winters of for the opportunity to share tips and tools for self-care in her “Digestive Reboot Program”. As much as I know movement to heal the body is powerful, it was an absolute delight to watch the whole group release the tension in

Hydration and Lymph Flow Increased through Specialized Movement

Our second week of Movement Made Easy focused on hydration and lymph flow through movement. With the amazing harp music by Brenda Bowen Cox, we explored how to move fluid up and down the spine as well as massage the kidneys and adrenal glands to support their function. It was

Moving through Stress and Anxiety

Our topic for the first week of the session is “How to move through anxiety and stress”. Many of us have stiff necks, shoulders, hips, backs etc., and we actually stop moving because we don’t want to hurt ourselves and pull anything the wrong way. In this special class, we