
Are you ready for a transformation?  Have you been holding back on goals and dreams because you are afraid or shy?  Perhaps you just don’t know what you want.  Is your health and wellness plan in place to support you as you go forward into your later years?  Do you need inspiration and guidance to follow through to your true calling?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then check out Dr. Michelle Greenwell’s podcast. 


Season one began with the incredible Mary Janet MacDonald, Facebook Live Sensation through the pandemic with “Tunes and Wooden Spoons” and the launch of two cookbooks. 

CLICK HERE to download the episode.

The season then progressed with different well-being conversations around meditation, storytelling, memory after covid, puppetry and more.  Forever looking for what people do to find joy and well-being in their lives!


Season two highlighted wellness professionals and the tools that they use to support clients and students.

A highlight from this season included the powerful Meilin Elhke from Germany with Illuminating the Heart.

CLICK HERE to download the episode

Colin MacLeod from Scotland with a series of special recordings for Robert Burns Day and to Balance the Chakras. Click on the Youtube video below to watch the series.


Season three looks at the transformational process that people have experienced and what inspires them to take the ‘leap of faith’ or choose new habits without any more hesitation or avoidance.  There are 4 segments each month to inspire you.

CLICK HERE to download the episodes

  • Week 1 is ‘Let’s get Moving’ with Michelle Greenwell and highlights how to transform your business and personal life balance with a wellness plan.  Michelle highlights her skills for your transformation and hosts guests to share in the conversation.
  • Week 2 and 3 are ‘Transformations’ and include guest speakers who share their personal stories and the inspirations of clients or students that they have worked with.
  • Week 4 is ‘Compassionate Living’ with Charlene Waines.  Michelle and Charlene, and yes, they are sisters, explore how reaching out to others can be an effective way to provide assistance to change the course of your life, as well as the lives of many others. Charlene has been supporting a special family in Malawi, the Moyo family, and her podcast episodes expand on her unique way of thinking outside the box to help others with skills and tools they cannot access on their own.  What is the impact of her compassionate living gesture?  She has saved many lives with her focus and intention.  Join us to learn more.

What can you expect for healing with each episode?

Each experiential episode will have an energy-enhancing opportunity for the listener with Michelle’s careful diligence to bring energy-harmonizing tools to the forefront of her projects. 

Podcast episodes are processed by her son, MacKenzie, and feature the  specially created background music including  foot percussion from Michelle, music recorded from  the house plants through her Music of the Plants Bamboo synthesizer, and Evelyn Mulders Sound Essences. They originally thought they would be recording the sound the mister makes itself, but quickly discovered that the sounds within the water were picked up by the recording device and added a unique sound based on the frequencies contained within the mister itself with gemstones, essential oils, and specific note vibrations.  Sounds a little crazy?  This unique opening music sequence prepares you to be balanced and supported while listening to the podcast.  Overall, the layers  bring forward a powerful harmonizing effect for the listeners.

Each episode has a set intention, a card pulled from the Affirmations for the Body and the BioField deck with interactive art and affirmation, and the activation of the tea chosen special for the episode.  To finish each conversation Michelle also has guests suggest movement options and Michelle will provide insights as well.  Talents from the guests may appear with special exercises, music, song, meditations, etc.  All you need to know is you are being pampered by each episode’s special harmonizing intentions.

Help us spread the word about the podcast!  Please share, comment, follow etc. the episodes.  Together we will reach all those in need of support in their lives.  

Each Be Well with Michelle Greenwell podcast is sponsored by Dance Debut Inc. as well as The Cape Breton Tea Company. You can find the Affirmations for the Body and BioField deck and book in the ONLINE STORE

You can shop for our Tea blends are in our ONLINE STORE 

The Be Well with Michelle Greenwell podcast has been featured on Mainstreet with Wendy Bergfeldt on CBC radio – April 11, 2023
