Merchandise will store your name and email address to contact you about your purchase. We will collect and store your mailing address only to ship a physical item. We do not collect or store any other personal information or payment details. When making a purchase, you will be redirected to a secure payment page on Paypal handles the payment then tells us if it went through or not. We will then initiate shipment of your physical product.

For those looking for TEA, please go to The Cape Breton Tea Company at

We have our Cape Breton Tea blends, as well as our Tea with Intention series, plus our publications. You will find recipes and food pairings in the stories section. Be sure to take a look at our links page to see where you can pick up our tea.

For our other products, we are happy to ship, please note the current prices:  Shipping from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: $10 to Halifax, $14 to Central Canada, $16 to BC and Alberta, $10 to the United States, overseas by request.

Affirmations for the Body and BioField

This special card deck is for reflection and engagement. The incredible artwork created by Tanya Levy has been creatively combined with special information about the spine, fascia, organs, joints, chakras, Continue Reading

It’s in the Cards

“It’s in the Cards” is a special project embarked on by our Presentation Committee members: Tanya Levy, Paula Nowak Droog and Michelle Greenwell. Together they combined their talents as a Continue Reading

BioEnergetic Essentials (Hardcopy)

This beneficial resource is a support system for BioEnergetic Wellness. It can be used by parents, children, teens, educators, grandparents, BioEnergetic Wellness Facilitators, counsellors, colleagues, administration, teams, sports enthusiasts, etc. Continue Reading

When Everything is RIGHT for the Little Fairy Hardcopy

Enjoy the Little Fairy’s adventures in movement exploring the ways that the legs, arms and wings can move. Each action is related to one of the 14 muscles for the Muscle Dance and creates an energizing and coordinating activity to support healthy living.

Book and Videos: Qi YINtegration Set 1

Qi YINtegration is an inspirational new health program, created by Complementary and Alternative Medicine Specialist Michelle Greenwell, to introduce individuals to the power of their own energy, how to cultivate Continue Reading

Peter On the Drums

Peter loves to drum. He loves making rhythms and finding music everywhere he goes. Share this action packed story with your little one, and bring a story to life with imagination and creativity that gets the reader moving too!

Stacey On the Keyboard Kit

Stacey, the dancing mouse, brings the dance studio to life with her antics and dreams of being a dancer. Discover puppetry, song and dance, adventure with her brothers, and more with this special creativity binder.

Book: Stacey On the Keyboard

Stacey loves to dance, and mice should dance! Activity and imagination are brought to life through Stacey’s creativity in the pages of this book. Add a puppet and a CD and you have a full package of fun and learning while reading!

Book: My Little Black Book of Energy

Put your hands on a tool that will open you up to more energy, vitality and health opportunities.