Icky Sticky Bubblegum

Today we will explore the different rhythm patterns that go with the awesome song by David Landau on “Kids and Kitties” called “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum. This is a song we were preparing for our spring show this year. I enjoy all the pieces of this song and thought maybe preschoolers out there might like to learn the parts and then dance along to the music at their house. You can find the music on my playlist on Spotify – “If These Shoes could Talk” by Michelle Greenwell. Have fun making up dances and rhythms at your house and dancing with your family! See you all again on Monday for the next part of “Stacey on the Keyboard” and music from Dan the Music Man (Devion).


This was parade day in Cochrane, Alberta 20 years ago! One of my favorite memories was the Teddy Bear’s Picnic….we took this to Scotland and Nova Scotia on tour! Pretty cool for 4 year olds!

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