The Time Is Now!

As we begin the adventures for 2012 it is a great time to reflect on the gifts our body gives us each day.

The strength, the power, the flexibility, the opportunity to enjoy our passions in life. In return, our gratitude to our bodies is utmost. In order for our body to perform at its best, we need to give it the best. We need to nourish it with food that regenerates our cells and energizes our body. We need to supply it with water to perform all the organ functions, muscle tasks and brain patterns required for us to do all of our living. We need to supply it with rest and relaxation for rebuilding time. We need to nourish our spirit with time to “smell the roses” and keep our ideals in sight. And, we need to move our bodies to coordinate the brain to the body and to keep all the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia in fine working order. It is our duty to really LOVE our bodies and ourselves enough to thrive with the very best.

Tai Chi is a complete system that helps us to nourish, energize, strengthen, lengthen, calm and focus ourselves. For just a few minutes each day we can give incredible gifts to ourselves and reap amazing rewards in return. For 2012, THE TIME IS NOW to “Choose to make the rest of your life, the best of your life.” (Louise Hays – author and publicist now in her 80’s).

Please check the schedule for a class in your area, and come and join us. The monthly workshops are also a great way to be connected and really fine tune technique and opportunity.

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