Tai Chi Wellness Gathering Today

For those interested in learning more about Tai Chi, we have an online gathering once a month. You can check the calendar for the dates in 2020.

Here is what the group gathering today realized and experienced:

The Tai Chi Wellness Gathering today was very interesting. We had shared an indepth posture awareness chart around the group.

One of the insights that one participant noticed is that they were not symmetrical. They also had a pain in their foot on the outside edge, and the left side of the body held more tension than the right. This person used the meridian sweep with seated to standing don yu’s and the pain left and the body balanced right and left. A truly astounding change as the pain was not addressed by other methods that were tried.

Has anyone else noticed anything as a result of assessing their posture?

More videos being released on Youtube: Tai Chi Wellness and the Seated Form Series. We value your participation and your feedback. Keep us posted!

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