Tai Chi Cape Breton 7th Spring Workshop Series

Tai Chi Cape Breton Celebrates it’s 7th Annual Tai Chi Workshop


From April 23rd to May 1st, Tai Chi Cape Breton celebrated another wonderful spring workshop with Guest Instructor Doug Waines from Wine Country Tai Chi in West Kelowna, BC.  The workshops have become a bi-yearly opportunity for students to focus in on learning the sets for Tai Chi, Sabre and Loh Kup, and to have the chance to learn from a guest instructor.  Tai Chi Cape Breton’s volunteer instructor, Michelle Greenwell, was thrilled with the turnout for the event.  “It was delightful to see 19 Sabres being moved in unison spinning and turning.”  She emphasized that the opportunity to bring in a guest instructor creates a new breath of fresh air for the group to increase their Tai Chi practice and also have time with other students from different communities.

Tai Chi Cape Breton serves the Belle Cote, Inverness, Mabou, Judique and Port Hawkesbury Area pulling students from as far away as Bras D’or, Iona, St. Peter’s, Havre Boucher and more.  The 10 days of learning has a different focus in each community and an extended number of hours to learn than the regular practice.  Some students travel every day to a different location to make the most of the week.  The workshops are by donation and everyone is welcome.  It is a special opportunity for sharing and cultivating Qi.

On Saturday, April 28th the group gathered for World Tai Chi and Qi Gong day in Port Hawkesbury where they joined over 80 countries around the world to do Tai Chi at the same time.  “It is always such a great feeling to know you have joined so many around the world,” Michelle explains.  “It is a highlight of my visit,” shares Doug.

As the spring turns into summer, the TCCB group might be seen on a beach in your community, and would love to have you join them.  “People often talk about seeing Tai Chi in central parks in the city ad how peaceful they felt it to be.  Then, they express that they never imagined it would be them doing that same set in the same beautiful way.”  Michelle is proud of the large group that has grown over the last 7 years and encourages anyone who thinks Tai Chi might help with their wellness needs to come to class and give them a try.

Tai Chi Cape Breton will be demonstrating and giving sample movements at the Spring into Self Care Health Fair on June 1 at Dalbrae Academy from 5 – 9 pm.  If you have questions or are interested, mark your calendars and come try some movements.  If you are interested in trying a class you can find the full schedule posted on www.invernesscountyhappenings.com website, your community bulletin board for health and wellness classes.

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