Tai Chi and Movement Made Easy Classes begin in January

It is the Year of the Rabbit and we are excited to be considering the power of the Water Rabbit. It is associated with YIN energy, the energy that we bring in and cultivate through Tai Chi movements and then store. It is also about spring and renewal, and the strength of wood and the power of roots and growth. Sounds great, doesn’t it?! When you add the incredible classes we can share through Tai Chi Cape Breton and the online class by Michelle called Movement Made Easy, we are all set for success in 2023!

TCCB has a new schedule for 2023. At the Inverness County Center for the Arts, classes will be on Tuesdays from 9 – 11 am and begin on January 10th. At Creignish Hall classes will be on Thursdays from 6:30 – 8 pm beginning on January 5th. The cost for the membership to TCCB is $65 for 4 months and you can attend classes in either location or both!

The Movement Made Easy class is on Wednesdays at noon Atlantic online. Michelle zooms into your home for 45 minutes of specialized programming based on the needs of the group gathered. The class is for 8 weeks and is $80. You can send an etransfer to info@dancedebut.com with the answer “Michelle”. Recordings are kept in a special file for you, and you can access them for the length of the series and replay and reuse the exercises as you need them. Starting on January 4th, Michelle will be welcoming a special guest to start off the year with some fiddle tunes and some explorations inside the phrasing of music with movement. Sound and movement with color can enhance the healing power of the moves, and this opportunity will be a healing adventure like no other.

Many more opportunities for health and well-being are opening up for Dance Debut Inc in 2023! Be sure to follow the website, as well as the YouTube channel as more is released weekly.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Movement Made Easy

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