Achieving your Dreams with Energy Medicine Workshop


Join Michelle Greenwell for 2 hours of
incredible energy shifting for
Achieving your Dreams and Goals

Where: Inverness County Center for the Arts
When: Thursday, August 21 6:30 pm to 9 pm
What: Bring pencil crayons, blank paper and a notebook, and a water bottle!
Why: If you have goals and dreams that have been calling for new energy, this is your course! With very simple tools to bring out the blocks to achievement, we will transform your thought processes, your energy to achieving goals and your picture of the future! Bring a friend or two and make it a night out!!!
How much? A donation to the Inverness County Center for the Arts

Michelle Greenwell has an extensive background in Dance, Tai Chi, Psychology, Touch for Health and other Energy Medicine modalities. She is currently working towards her Doctorate in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and is excited to be able to combine her many passions into simple helping tools for others to achieve their dreams.

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