Day 19: Finding the Perfect Place to Practice

Day 19: Persistence, Protection and Sanctuary. Today we will focus on bringing the focus inward and creating a peaceful place to practice Tai Chi. How to begin and how to continue. We will open with a Tai Chi seated set into the second half, and then move to the Lok Hup set to explore the power shifting concepts and use of the belly in the movements. Also, how to bring awareness to the energy created and stand present with it at the end. Enjoy the growth and expansion of your Tai Chi practice today.

I thought it might be nice to share some green today, and a little inspiration for where you could do Tai Chi. There are so many great places to find peace and tranquility for a few minutes if we set it up for ourselves. Have a great day practicing, and sorry for the delay in the broadcasting…it seems the wind does affect how things can be shared!
This picture is from Costa Rica this January, and the zipline was so much fun!

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