The Lion

Positions taken from Svetlana Masgutova’s work on Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration.
Coordination of the head, spine and limbs are established through this role playing, as well as an
introduction to rolling and turning. For students who are shy, had a difficult birthing process, or who have
trouble with sitting on the knees and applying pressure through the hands or rolling, these creative
movements will help to create the links required to accomplish these new goals.
Music – “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” – The Nylons
First Calls of the music: Stage 1 – Head Crowning – Curl up into a ball and feel the parameters of the
den or cage. Push out through spine and pay attention to each vertebra. Place paws on head and
tailbone and push into them and feel the confines of the space, switch hands and repeat.

The Lion

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